About Us

St.Arockia Nathar Church is a Catholic church located in Vavathurai, Kanyakumari. Which is in Tamil Nadu, S.India.

This stands on the sea shore of Kanyakumari. This church was dedicated to St. Arockiya Nathar ( St. Roach) by the present Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Remen  It is said that one of the beauityful  churches which was build resently. One can see that this church ads beuity to the sea shore of kanya Kumari. his church is sub-station of puthugramam parish. It got divided from Kanyakumari Parish year 2000. From that time onwards it became a independent parish. Arockiya Nathar means one who alwyas saves from sickness and gives good health.

The parish here predominantly comprise local fishing folks, mass is always held in the regional language, Tamil.

Truly a beautiful structure; the church looks gorgeous, because it stands on the sea shore in the background of bluish sky.

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History of project

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